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GamblingCapitalist Joined: Jun 25, 2022 Subscribers: 4 Channel Views: 2,316
Age: 59
Country: United States
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Susan Wojciki's Last Stand
@Hayate Yeah, ragequit these nuts, boi. You wouldn't be willing to say that shit to my face cuz I'd beat the fucking shit out of your stupid pedophi...
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Channel Comments (349)
BikerCapitalist (2 months ago)
They'll lose and they know it! I know, it makes me sick he still talks good about the covid jab! Some of those idiots I bet are denying they got it, knowing them! They are just 2008 democrats, and I fucking hate Scott Presler! He's a piece of shit! It's very interesting those idiots mock Ghost's nephew, and then defend Scott Presler! They are fucking cultists, and that's why they're pro Putin! They're Russian bot assholes!
AaronP (2 months ago)
I'm talking about a degree which is obviously useful in this industry. Business degrees are one of many. Some parents provide for their kids up until they graduate from college. These kids grow up to be contributing members of society so it seems absurd to fault them for receiving help after the age of 18. Wolf Man doesn't even have a decent attitude to compensate for his failures. One can be successful and arrogant or unsuccessful and kind. Wolf Man is unsuccessful and arrogant.
AaronP (2 months ago)
Some parents support their kids through college but at least many college graduates eventually become independent. I don't think young adults necessarily have to become independent at the age of 18. Some of them become independent after graduating college. This aint the case for Wolf Man. He's 37 years old and his parents still provide for him like a child. It's pitiful. It doesn't mix well with his narcism and shitty attitude. Not everyone's successful but some compensate with a nice attitude.
BikerCapitalist (2 months ago)
FUCK THEIR EXCUSES! They are gonna lose, and they know it! I hate Trump supporting that covid jab, I'll never forgive him for it! They probably would, those Trump MAGA tards are just 2008 democrats at this point! I'd be done with the republican party too if that fruitbowl came GOP chair! It is a joke, and the sooner those MAGA people realize it, the better!
AaronP (3 months ago)
Greetings. One of my friends used to donate videos showing you Wolf Man's degeneracy. He calls himself Mookie nowadays. Mookie is a deranged degenerate with his parents providing for his needs. He's 37 years old. He gets into online fights with teenagers. He's even more childish than folks half his age who troll him. I suppose that's what happens when a 37 year old degenerate gets coddled.
BikerCapitalist (3 months ago)
Damn right! They have no one to blame but THEMSELVES! Once those MAGA tards are eating crow, I'm gonna tell them I told you so! You're right, only a vaxxed asshole would support that POS since he loves talking about how the vax was so great! They are fucking gullible, watch a black person wear a MAGA hat and those idiots will go gooble gobble one of us! I'm not leaving the republican party yet, but if Trump wins in 2024, I just might! But you're right, MAGA is a fucking joke!
MechanicCapitalist (3 months ago)
I have no idea why they're obsessed with that shit! I bet catturd is also a pro Russia piece of crap! He was on Tucker after all! I do hope there's a war too, we need to toughen up these manchild pieces of shit! Those anime fuckers will fight for this country and they're going to like it! I'd proudly fight for my country and death to draft dodgers and draft card burners! But of course those types are manchildren!
Shinju (3 months ago)
I was listening to Ghostler's shows and the guy seems to be a democrat now! Join the Lincoln Project already Libtard!
BikerCapitalist (3 months ago)
All these idiots blame "It's Trump, it's Biden, it's Obama!" WHEN IT'S THEM! But this nation is doomed and all these MAGA tards refuse to believe that shit! They probably are already vaxxed and boosted, why else would they support Trump? You're right, they only support Trump for the money! If Ghost was pro Trump, no doubt he'd get more money! I'm thinking of leaving the republican party, it's a joke now! I've had enough of them too, THEY'RE STUPID!
GrayFox (3 months ago)
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