Christopher Badenov 🇷🇺
ChristopherBadenov1's Channel
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Apr 19, 2024
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ChristopherBadenov1 I talk shit about Jim Harino and all of the racing related trash whom he's obsessed over for a good reason. (6 hours ago)
ChristopherBadenov1 Darien Cromwell should go have gay sex with his creator Jim Harino. This pussy hider hides his birthday from us the whole time. (15 hours ago)
ChristopherBadenov1 became friends with FearlessAndrew1 (1 day ago)
ChristopherBadenov1 To be honest, combining Kenny Lennault with everyone is a waste of time nowadays. For this, Jim Harino will be considered to be our target to get his name combined with every niggers because he is nothing but a stupid space monkey nigger who created several light and dark side accounts. Kenny Lennault should be lucky that we stopped messing with him around, but still he is our targets. (2 days ago)
ChristopherBadenov1 Curious George Kenny Lennault Sandler is also a monkey since he goes around discovering my companions as well. Same goes to his girlfriend Shelly Kenny Lennault Foster the stupid Karen headed bitch sucking Space James Kenny Jim Harino Lennault Bonchano's smallest penis. (2 days ago)
Channel Comments (103)
ChristopherBadenov1 (1 week ago) Even Gideon Kenny Lennault Frederickson ends up getting terminated on YouTube. LOL! XDDDDDDDDDD

Get rekt, you nigger headed bitch sucking Lazy Michael Kenny Lennault Bonchano the fatass masturbator's sausage penis during your exile.
ChristopherBadenov1 (1 week ago) Lazy Michael Kenny Lennault Bonchano the pig penis eating fatass masturbating gay slacker better watch out whatever he is spoken to me and Sonia Fatale, otherwise we will have to make FlashThemes videos out of his stupid gay nigger donut dog shit eating ass.
ChristopherBadenov1 (1 week ago) I'm more going to insult Michael Bonchano (Sock by Kenny Lennault) than trolling the CB allies who are also socks by Kenny Lennault as well.
ChristopherBadenov1 (1 week ago) Fuck the Chris Kenny Lennault Bonchano allies for talking shit about me and Sonia Fatale on Google Hangouts even after everything we have done last year.

We have no choice to continue insulting their asses. Starting right now.
ChristopherBadenov1 (1 week ago) Fallout Fanatic 2007 The Vyonder should fuck his girlfriend Lynnkia Kenny Lennault Brown hard on his birthday.
ChristopherBadenov1 (1 week ago) My birthday video about Shelly Kenny Lennault Foster may have been uploaded, but still fuck the VidLii's uploading system.
ChristopherBadenov1 (1 week ago) Whatever Wyatt Kenny Seafield Lennault Shawbitz (Bradley Kenny Seafield Lennault Schofield's brother) said about us, he does not have any proof at all.
ChristopherBadenov1 (1 week ago) Curious George Kenny Lennault Sandler and Steve Kenny Roberts Lennault Whittiard are both monkeys in real life for all I fucking nigga know.
ChristopherBadenov1 (1 week ago) From now on, we will be uploading videos on YouTube since the shitty VidLii is not letting any of us to upload videos.
ChristopherBadenov1 (1 week ago) I just realized that George Kenny Lennault Sandler got his impostor account out of me terminated on YouTube. LOL! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Karma for impersonating me 4 months ago you shithead nigger prick sucking birthday hoe Shelly Kenny Lennault Foster's vagina.
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